What Are the Major Trends of Fashion Cycle?


The fashion cycle of trends consists of many phases with different characteristics that are important for the designers and the buyers. The first phase of the fashion cycle is the introduction of new fashion designs, which are characterized by high level of competitiveness. After this, a certain number of fashion-related products are introduced in the market to provide the consumers with more choices and less time to adapt to the fashion design. These products can be clothes, accessories, shoes, handbags and many more.

With the passage of each fashion cycle, new features and designs are introduced which give the customer’s new outlook in fashion and make them look stylish and updated. During the introduction stage, new fashion accessories are made available in the market which include new apparels for women and men, swimwear, casual wear, dresses and suits etc. Initially, people were skeptic about these fashion cycles and thought that it was just a way to sell more products. But gradually people started believing and began wearing these fashion accessories and apparels.

The introduction of high end fashion accessories paved the way for the other fashion cycles to follow suit. This cycle includes the next phase named abstinence wherein the products remained virtually the same for almost two years. Then came the phase of vintage fashion and modern fashion that saw the discontinuation of some old clothing items and their replacement with modern items of similar style. Fashion related events and exhibitions also contributed to the discontinuation of certain old fashion styles and usher in new fashion styles.
